Your Happy Family

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Grill låda

24 Apr 2023
låda V18 & V20
Välkommen med din beställning

Nya Priser

24 Apr 2023
Som alla vet så har våra kostnader ökat med el,transporter och diesel priserna m.m
Så nu är det nya priser på köttlådorna!
Men vi hoppas ni vill fortsätta handla närproducerad mat!
Gräsuppfödd Black Angus!

Exceptionell Råvara 2nd place!

29 Nov 2016
So now we are back from Stockholm , 21 "star" chefs judged the final 10 from around Sweden in a "blind test " and we are very happy to say we came 2nd :-)
What makes us even more happy is the fact the young cow was from our import lines that we had chosen for intramuscular fat (IMF) and top eating quality , she slaughtered out 308kg R 4 and was hung for 25 days.
The sire Dunlouise Aberdeen Angus Evesund is native Scottish bull and we have proven that useing a native angus in your herd will without doubt bring IMF and eating quality second to none and above all this ONLY on GRASS

Exceptionell Råvara

14 Sep 2016
"Exceptionell Råvara är ett utvecklingsprojekt där Sveriges bästa kockar möter Sveriges bästa bönder för att tillsammans utveckla nästa generation av exceptionella svenska matråvaror." Vi lämnade in rygg biffen från en 4år gammal ko.Hon hade Kind Pascall och Jipsy Earl i stamtavla, båda mycket fina marmorerings tjurar. Poängen vi fick 35.8 så vi placerade oss etta i Jämtland. Nu går vi vidare till Stockholm i November .....

"Exceptional Raw-material is a development where Sweden's best chefs will meet Sweden's best farmers to jointly develop the next generation of exceptional Swedish food commodities."
and we are proud to say that we came top in our county with a 4 year old cow sired by Dunlouise Jipsy Earl out of a Kind Pascall cow , now on to the big one in stockholm in november....